EPoS Rental Solutions

At neXpos we know only too well that when starting a new business or when upgrading your existing till infrastructure the costs can stack up and you have to settle for something less efficient. But now that we offer a new rental service you don’t have to settle for second best. We have many rental options to suit your budget with the option of long or short term rental.


Some great features include:


red tickNo big upfront cost to outlay when setting up your business or upgrading your existing Till system.

red tickOnsite installation with staff & management training with every rental unit.

red tickUnlimited phone, email and remote support.

red tickNo downtime, same day replacement unit. No waiting for your own to be repaired.

red tickAll the full functionality of TouchPoint.

red tickKeep your EPoS unit fully backed at all times.

red tickNo EPoS maintenance or repair costs.

red tickWhen we deem your EPoS unit is getting outdated we will replace it with a new model.

red tickShort or long term rental options.

red tickNo required minimal or maximum number of EPoS unit’s that you have to rent.

POS Rental

With every rental EPoS unit you have TouchOffice web included:


Manage each EPoS unit in each branch

View Live Sales and Receipt data online

View Live Report data online

See time and attendance for individual employees

View and adjust stock levels of any store / branch, and perform wastage

Perform stock takes at anytime

Manage orders and deliveries

Drill-down gives you fast access to specific transactions. Broaden or refine to identify trends or sales patterns

Program your products and prices for another location

All data is confidential and kept secure

Remotely log into your own branch from any laptop / computer, tablet or smart phone

We also include: Automatic backups for each EPoS unit and Remote support


Any questions or queries?

We have a dedicated team that can help you choose the right EPoS Solution you require, whether you’d like to buy outright or hire / rent one of our EPoS unit’s on a short term basis.

EPoS Smile